Agrochemicals, Made in the U.S.
Vulpes Makes Cost-Competitives Agrochemicals, Locally


Through extensive internal R&D and collaboration with more than 10 U.S. universities, Vulpes created processes that allow for generic and novel agrochemicals to be made in the U.S. at a globally competitive price.

  1. Nanocarbon

    Vulpes creates a patent-pending, pilot-manufacturing technology to manufacture custom-designed carbon nanomaterials at less than 1% of the prevailing cost, creating a new nanomaterial-enabled product line of nutrient and water transporter, rooting agent, and abiotic stress protector.

  2. L-glufosinate

    Vulpes creates a novel L-glufosinate manufacturing process that has no fermetation or use of enzyme. With a clean chemical process, Vulpes has a novel process that is massively cheaper than existing competitors and has no environmental liability.

  3. Other Products

    Vulpes has a portfolio of around 30 agrichemicals, all using novel, low-cost, and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. Our strength include Trifluralin, Flumi, and many others. We work with the team at Steptoe & Johnson to quickly build a portfolio of EPA approved generic agrochemicals. Please Click Here to learn more.