Vulpes Industrial – Vulpes Corp.
  1. Heavy Metal Capture

    Vulpes has created a number of heavy metal capture chemicals, including a new chemical compound as a drop-in replacement of Dithiocarbamate that improves DTC efficiency by up to 400% and a chemical adjustor of Selenium's valence to allow for efficient selenium removal.

  2. Oxidation

    Vulpes has created a new, portable Controlled Hydrodynamic Cavitation System. By creating millions of high-pressure high-temperature bubbles, the system can create 300%-400% oxidation efficiency improvements for both water treatment and chemical reaction.

  3. HAFB (EG)

    Vulpes has created a novel, safe, and low-cost process to manufacture Hydroxylamine Free Base (Electronic Grade), a key chemical to remove photoresist and etch residues on integrated circuits critical to semiconductor production.

Benzotriazole (BTA)
and Tolyltriazole (TTA)
Seeking Partners

Vulpes Industrial has developed manufacturing processes for low cost, domestic production of BTA and TTA. Vulpes can immediately serve clients and is looking for partners to build up capacity and serve more clients.

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